• Department of Pathology
  • kj_pat@ummc.edu.my
  • 03-7949 2375/2064

The Department of Pathology of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, was established in 1964 with undergraduate teaching commencing in May 1965. The first batch of medical students comprised only 63 candidates and they were taught by a pioneering band of 3 Pathology academic staff. The first Head of Department (please refer to Table 1) was Professor Dr Alan BP Ng, while the first Visiting Professor was Professor Dr Walter A Wasdahl from the University of North Dakota, and the first External Examiner was Professor Dr George L Montgomery from the University of Edinburgh.

Table 1: List of the Heads of Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, UM

Heads of Department of Pathology:

Period of Headship

Professor Dr Alan Ng Beh Puan


Professor Dr Lau Kam Seng


Professor Dr Kesavan Prathap


Professor Dr S Sivanesan 


Professor Dr Looi Lai Meng


Professor Dr Pathmanathan Rajadurai

Professor Dr Looi Lai Meng

Professor Dr Menaka Nagaratnam


Professor Dr Peh Suat Cheng 


Professor Dr Wong Kum Thong 


Professor Dr Cheah Phaik Leng


Associate Prof Dr Teoh Kean Hooi

Associate Prof Dr Man Kein Seong @ Mun Kein Seong


By 1968, all University Hospital services under the disciplines of Anatomical Pathology, Forensic Pathology, Chemical Pathology, Haematology and Transfusion Medicine were well established. Later, the Electron Microscopy Unit was added in 1969.  

The two-year Master of Pathology course was started in 1973, with the 2 candidates. As postgraduate teaching and training continued into the 1980s, international links with the Royal Colleges of Pathologists of the United Kingdom and Australasia were formed. Subsequently, Master of Pathology candidates from University of Malaya were exempted from the Primary MRCPath Examinations and the Department of Pathology was recognized as an official training centre for the College Examinations. The Final MRCPath Examinations were first held in the Department of Pathology in 1981, and this practice has continued since.

In 1987, the two-year Master of Pathology course was reviewed and converted into a four-year programme. Then in 1995, the Pathology Conjoint Board was establish with representatives from University of Malaya,  National University of Malaysia, Science University of Malaysia, Health Ministry of Malaysia and Academiy of Medicine of Malaysia, and a joint examination and curriculum system was established.  

Many distinguished academicians from all over the world have contributed to the growth of the department – generously sharing their expertise and experience (please refer to Table 2).

Table 2: Distinguished academicians who have visited the Department of Pathology



Professor Emeritus Walter A Wasdahl: 1965

University of North Dakota, USA

Professor George Lightbody Montgomery: 1971-1972

University of Edinburgh, UK

Professor Janice Rosemary Anderson: 12 Jan 1988

Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, UK

Professor John S Wellington: 14 – 25 Mar 1988

University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA

Professor Colin C Bird: 05 – 12 Apr 1988, Mar 1992

University of Edinburgh, UK

Professor Harold Fox: 09 – 20 Aug 1988

University of Manchester, UK

Professor F E Preston: 15 – 20 Aug 1988

Royal Hallamshire Hospital, UK

Professor Vincent Marks: 15 – 22 Aug 1988

University of Surrey, UK

Professor Akira Kawaoi: 22 Aug 1988

Yamanashi Medical College, Japan

Dr W B Essex: 29 Sep – 03 Oct 1988

Alfred Hospital, Australia

Dr Roger A B Drury: 12 Oct 1988

Plymouth General Hospital, UK

Professor Robert H Riddell: 01 Dec 1988, 23-29 Jun 1990

Mc Master University Medical Centre, Canada

Professor Alan K Foulis: 05 Dec 1988

Royal Infirmary, Glasgow, UK

Professor Shigeo Mori: 11 Jan 1989

University of Tokyo, Japan

Associate Professor Debra Laskin: 25 Jan 1989

Rutgers University, USA

Professor Taketoshi Sugiyama: 18 Feb 1989

Kobe University School of Medicine, Japan

Professor Masami Muramatsu: 06 Mar 1989

University of Tokyo, Japan

Professor Fernando Juan Paradinas: 29 Jan-13 Mar 1989

Charing Cross Hospital, UK

Professor Sir Roderick N M Mac Sween (14 Mar 1989)

Western Infirmary, Glasgow, UK

Professor Ogawa Yasuhiro

Kobe University School of Medicine, Japan

Dr M Deguchi: 15 Mar 1989

Kobe University School of Medicine, Japan

Professor Sir Nicholas Wright

Hammersmith Hospital, UK

Dr J F Kent Mancer

National University of Malaysia (UKM)

Professor Hans Konrad Muller (18 Jun- 1 Jul 1989, 1991)

University of Tasmania, Australia

Professor Dr Mary K MacDonald: 05-08 Jul 1989

University of Edinburgh, UK

Professor Reiji Hori: 18 Jul 1989


Dr Yap Peng Lee: 26 Jul 1989

Blood Transfusion Service, Edinburgh, UK

Professor Terry & Pauline Baker: 04 Aug 1989, 18 Jul 1990

University of Bradford, UK

Prof Cheong Soon Keng: 09 Aug 1989

Faculty of Medicine, UKM

Professor Emeritus Dr Edward P C Tock: 11 Aug 1989

National University of Singapore

Professor Roger Graham Dale: 17 Aug 1989

Charing Cross Hospital, UK

Professor Stephen Cordner

Victoria Inst of Forensic Pathology, Australia

Associate Professor Dr Mohd Abdel  Moghni Gabr: 1989

Assiut University, Egypt

Dr Hosny Shaaban  Ahmed  El-Gendawy: 23 Oct 1989

Assiut University, Egypt

Professor Dr Chan Li Chong: 1989, 18 Jul 1990

University of Hong Kong

Dr Isamu Sugawara: 14 – 23 Jan 1990

University of Tokyo, Japan

Professor Dr James Chang: 22 Jan – 15 Feb 1990

Christie Hospital Manchester, UK

Dr Mapphy Duncan: 05 Feb – 17 Mar 1990

Central Medical Laboratory, Sarawak

Dr M Renate Dische:  23 Mar 1990

Mt Sinai School of Medicine, USA

Dr Raymond Ng Tin Chi


Professor Ted Gordon-Smith

St George’s Hospital Medical School, UK

Professor Dr Aw Tar-Choon

National University of Singapore

Dr Kazunari Yamaguchi: 04 Jun 1990

Kunamoto University,  Japan

Associate Professor Rachana Santiyanont: 04 Jun 1990

Chulalongkorn University Rama IV Rd, Thailand

Professor Daniel H Connor: 19 Jun 1990

Georgetown University School of Medicine, USA

Associate Professor Cedric Carter

University of British Columbia, Canada

Professor Daniel Catovsky: 16 Jul 1990

Royal Marsden Hospital, UK

Professor Dame Julia Polak

Hammersmith Hospital, London, UK

Dr George B M Lindop: 28 Jun – 28 Aug 1990

Western Infirmary, University of Glasgow, UK

Professor Dr Vicharn Panich: 02 Aug 1990

Prince of Songkla University, Thailand

Dr Stephen G Bown: 25 Aug 1990

The Rayne Institute, UK

Professor M Parvathi

BMS College for Women, Bangalore

Dr Stephen Moss

School of Biological Sciences, UK

Professor Y Shimosato: 19 Dec 1990

National Cancer Center Hospital, Japan

Major General Iftikhar Ahmad Malik: 26 Feb 1991

Army Medical College, Rawalpindi, Pakistan

Professor Thomas T Downie: 27 Feb 1991

Western Infirmary, UK

Professor Dennis Wright: 27 Mar 1991

Southampton General Hospital, UK

Professor Sarah Kuruvilla

Tamarai, India

Professor Gerald Slavin: Mar 1991, Jun 1994

St Bartholomew’s Hospital, Medical Centre, UK

Dr Brenda Slavin: Mar 1991, Jun 1994

St Thomas ‘s Hospital,UK

Dr N G P Slater: Mar 1991, 05 May 1992

St Thomas ‘s Hospital, UK

Professor T H Pennington: Mar 1991

University of Aberdeen, UK

Professor Lee Yoke Sun: 19 Nov 1991, Aug 1992

National University of Singapore (NUS)

Professor A Fleck

Westminster Medical School, UK

Dr Jean W Keeling: 19 – 20 May 1992, 04 – 17 Jun 1994

Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Edinburgh, UK

Professor F E Preston: 18 – 22 May 1992

University of Sheffield, UK

Dr Frank Boulton: Aug 1992

Southampton, UK

Professor Jean Shafer: 25 Sep 1992

New York, USA

Dr Peter Bradley: 26 Sep 1992


Professor Sir Bernard Knight: 16 Oct 1992, Feb 1995

Wales Institute of Forensic Medicine, UK

Dr Nandrani S De Zoysa

General Hospital Colombo, Sri Lanka

Professor Peter Anthony: May 1993

Exeter, UK

Professor Faith Ho SC: 02 Jul 1993

University of Hong Kong

Dr R Murugasu

John Hunter Hospital, Australia

Professor Eric Sumithran: 23 Sep 1993

Monash Medical Centre, Australia

Professor Hyeon Joo Jeong: 08 Dec 1993

Yongdong Severance Hospital, Korea

Professor Peter J Scheuer: 28 Jan 1994

University of London, UK

Professor Dame Ingrid Allen: 1994

Medical School, Queen’s University, Belfast

Professor P G M’Kenna: 14 Jul 1994

University of Ulster, Coleraine, Northern Ireland

Professor Anthony Rhodes: 1994, 23 Sep 2010

UCL Medical School, UK

Dr Chris Elston: Oct 1994

City Hospital, Nottingham, UK

Professor Sir James Underwood

University of Sheffiled, UK

Professor Anthony SY Leung: 20 Dec 1994


Dr Prema Iyer: Jan 1995


Professor F WalkerZ: 04 – 17 Jun 1994

University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK

Professor Keith Shilkin: 04 – 17 Jun 1994

Perth, Australia

Dr Brian Colvin: 04 – 17 Jun 1994

London Hospital, UK

Dr Mathilde E Boon: Jul 1995


Dr Lambrecht P Kok: Jul 1995


Professor Raja Sinniah: 03 Aug 1995

NUS, Singapore

Dr Robin Cooke: 26 Nov 1997

Royal Brisbane Hospital, Australia

Professor Cyril Fisher: May 2002

Royal Marsden Hospital, UK

Professor Arthur H Cohen: 2005

University of California, USA

Professor Dr Ng Ho Keung: 13 Apr 2005

Chinese University of Hong Kong

Associate Professor Tan Puay Hoon: 26 Sep 2006

SGH, Singapore

Professor Aileen Wee: 03 May 2007, 02 May 2008

NUS, Singapore

Dr R Anil Prasad: 09 Jul 2007

VA Health Care System, Tucson, USA

Dr Juanita Bezuindenhout: 22 May 2008

Stellenbosch University, South Africa

Dr Raymond Lin

NUS, Singapore

Dr Samuel Vasikaran: 23 May 2008

Royal Perth Hospital, Australia

Professor Dr Sibrand Poppema: 25 Jun 2008

University of Groningen, Netherlands

Associate Professor The Ming: 12 Nov 2008

Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS

Professor Kikkeri Naresh: 26 Nov 2008

Imperial College, London, UK

Dr Kasinathan Nadesan: 06 – 08 Jan 2009

Department of Forensic Medicine, Australia

Dr Dinesh Fernando: 05 Feb 2009

University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

Professor Alastair D Burt: 07 May 2009

Newcastle University, UK

Professor Tan Soo Yong: 2009, 2010, 2011

Department of Pathology, SGH, Singapore

Professor Kim Solez: 05 Apr 2010

University of Alberta Hospitals, Canada

Professor Jeong-Wook Seo: 13 May 2010

Seoul National University, Korea

Professor Michael Dunnill

John Radcliffe Hospital, UK

Professor Keith Kerr

Aberdeen University, UK

Professor John Wing Chung Chan

University of Nebraska, UK

Professor Derek George Douglas Wight

Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, UK


                       The academic staff also excelled in research, contributing much to the fields of renal diseases, amyloidosis, human papilloma virus infection and cervical cancers, breast cancers, lymphomas, liver diseases, intestinal cancers, tropical pathologies, nutritional anaemias, applications of fine needle aspiration cytology, etc.  In addition, the department enjoys wide local and international partnerships in their research activities (please refer to Table 3).

Table 3: Institutions in partnership with the Department of Pathology


Institute for Medical Research, Malaysia

Cancer Research Initiatives Foundation (CARIF), Malaysia

Huntington Medical Research Institutes, USA

Norris Cancer Centre, USA

University of Edinburgh Medical School, UK

Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), USA

INSERM (Health & Medical Research), France

National University of Singapore, Singapore

Beijing University, China

2nd Military Hospital of Shanghai, China

University of Kuwait, Kuwait

Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of North Carolina, USA

University of Gronigen, Netherlands

Kurume University, Japan

To date the department has trained 106 Pathologists, published over 700 scientific papers, as well as produced numerous MD and PhD thesis.

The many accomplishments and firsts achieved by department, as well as many national and international awards, include (please refer to Table 4):

Table 4: Accomplishments and awards

Accomplishment / Award

Accomplished by / Awarded to

First to set up Postgraduate Pathology Training: Master of Pathology programme, 1873

Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya

First Malaysian Centre for MRCPath and FRCPA training and examination

Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya

First to set up computerised  Laboratory Information System in the Central Diagnostic Laboratory of University Malaya Medical Centre

Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya

Introduction of immunohistochemistry and microwave-stimulated antigen retrieval techniques into Malaysian histopathology laboratories

Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya

Pioneered specialized diagnostic services in renal histopathology, cardiac transplant pathology and immunoelectron microscopy

Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya

Pioneering work in tropical diseases

Professor K Prathap

Pioneering work in hepatocellular carcinoma

Associate Professor E Sumithran

Pioneering work in nasopharyngeal carcinoma

Professor Pathmanathan Rajadurai

Pioneering work in molecular genetics of hepatitis

Professor Yap Sook Fan

Pioneering work in breast carcinoma, renal pathology, amyloidosis, tumour pathology

Professor Looi Lai Meng

Pioneering work in lymphoma

Professor Peh Suat Cheng

Pioneering work in cervical carcinoma and HPV, renal pathology, liver pathology

Professor Cheah Phaik Leng

Pioneering work in neuromuscular diseases, emerging viral diseases

Professor Wong Kum Thong

Inaugural Dr Ranjeet Bhagwan Singh Fellowship

Professor Cheah Phaik Leng

National  Science Award 1999, Malaysia

Professor Looi Lai Meng

ASEAN Outstanding Scientist and Technologist Award 2001

Professor Looi Lai Meng

Hall of Fame, Women in Science Malaysia, National Science Centre (2002)

Professor Looi Lai Meng

Nikkei Asia Prize for Technological Innovation 2002

Professor Wong Kum Thong & Team

Rotary Research Foundation Gold Medal 2002

Professor Looi Lai Meng

James H Nakano Citation Award 2003, CDC, USA

Professor Wong Kum Thong & Team

Tun Abdul Razak Research Award 2004, Malaysia

Professor Cheah Phaik Leng

Inaugural UM Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Research 2007

Professor Looi Lai Meng

Mahathir Science Award 2006

Professor Wong Kum Thong & Team

Inaugural Merdeka Award 2008

Professor Wong Kum Thong & Team

RCPA Distinguished Fellow Award 2010

Professor Looi Lai Meng

Inaugural National Distinguished Professor (Sciences) 2010

Professor Looi Lai Meng

Mun Kein Seong

January 2011

Last Update: 05/10/2022